7:18 PM

Womens' Voices...

Posted by Doncrack |

I fully support your list of demands and campaign and hope to be with you to support the 8 March demo. Good luck!

I support the Million Women Rise Coalition Statement of Demands.


I would like to volunteer as a steward on march day so if you could forward me more information regarding that it would most helpful.

I support your demands for an end to violence towards women.This has gone on for too long and must be ended now.

Good to see so many women and girls of so many ages united together in this - blessings to all

I want to see more accountability in the army for domestic abuse.

BBC NEWS | UK | Group targets grooming of girls

In some cases, girls as young as 10 are believed to have been groomed by youths pretending to be boyfriends. They are passed on and end up in prostitution.

Need any more reasons to join the campaign to stop violence against women? This recent news shows how trafficking is not only a cross-border issue...its happening today and within communities in the UK. Children who are born in the UK are being trafficked within UK borders...we all need to take action NOW to ensure that all women and children live without this violence, without this threat of male perpetrated abuse and sexual violence...

Gemma Novis
(Million Women Rise Facebook group)

Click on title of this blog for more on this

As we say goodbye to 2009, take another personal inventory from author and teacher, Debbie Ford.


It's so easy to make promises about the year ahead. You will follow your diet, be more financially responsible, be kinder to your spouse, spend more time at the gym...But, for most, the promises you make today will be empty dreams six months from now. So let's examine this. I would suggest this happens because real change doesn't occur when you just want something or wish for another reality. Real change happens when you feel genuinely inspired, turned on by possibility and unwilling to settle for anything less. It happens when you commit with all of yourself to a new way of life, to a new future. So how do you do this?

To feel inspired and lit up and to make room for optimism, enthusiasm, and lasting change, you must lighten your emotional load by addressing your past issues, your emotional blocks, your negative beliefs, your feelings of unworthiness and any infantile desires that drive you to repeatedly head off in a direction counter to your dreams. If you drop your commitments, it is not because you want to be seen as a quitter or a loser but because unconsciously you are more committed to an outdated self -- an old identity that feels comfortable and safe even though it might have stopped serving you years ago. Often, psychological laziness will have you switch your life over to autopilot and fall asleep at the wheel rather than stay awake to what will fulfill your heart's deepest desires and your soul's purpose.

On this eve of a new year, a very fertile time to look over your past and commit to a new future, you can ask these simple questions to unload some old baggage and steer your life in the direction of a brilliant and thrilling future -- the ride of your life.

1. What are your deepest desires for this new year?
2. What are you willing to give up to get them? What habits, limiting beliefs, unhealthy relationships or situations?
3. When did you become unwilling to do whatever it takes to have what you want?
4. What cravings or unmet needs will drive you away from your desired destination?
5. What structure of support will you need to ensure this new future?
6. Who could you count on to be your co-pilot to ensure that you will neither fall short of the runway nor overshoot your desired outcome? Who will help you stay awake?

If you wish to fly to new heights, begin by setting your sights on a destination you can reach and then create a flight plan, a map that will be your guide. And if at any time you don't feel like following your flight path, stop, take a deep breath, call forth your vision for your future, then pick up your phone, dial your co-pilot and ask them to remind you that veering off your route really isn't worth the pain of repeating the past. Veering off will only leave you in the same repetitive pattern of wanting, wishing, fantasizing, and then feeling intensely disappointed when you land at a destination other than the phenomenal future that awaits you.

So today, YOU have the power to choose the destination of your dreams, create a flight plan and stick to it. So gather your courage, your strength and your commitment and get onboard, making 2010 the most inspiring year of your life.

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."
~ Earl Nightingale

Happy New Year to you all!
Coach Carolyn

The Million Woman Rise Coalition was started by women from Women and Girls Network and now has the support of a number of women’s organisations.

The coalition has no formal or informal links to any particular or specific feminist or political networks. The coalition is not partisan and brings together women who want to highlight the continuation of all forms of violence against women and demand that steps are taken to put an end to this.

The Million Woman Rise Coalition welcomes the support of ALL women who wish to join the March and sign up to our statement of demands

The programme on the Saturday 8th March starts at 12pm

12-pm Gather for march at Hyde Park, North Carraige (speakers corner end )Nearest Tube Marble Arch
3-5.30pm Rally at Trafalgar Square
6pm til 1am International womens day love celebration indoor rally and
all women party.

We are gathering at Hyde Park on the North Carriage Drive (speakers
corner end) at 12pm on the 8th March and we will march down Park Lane,
Piccadilly Road, Haymarket to Trafalgar Square, where we will make
some noise, be together and rally with speakers from all over the
country and Internationally invited speakers include Angela Davis,
Mussurut Zia,Pragna Patel, Nicola Harwin, Lynne Franks, Michelle
and Akima Thomas plus other inspirational women including Women from
Palestine. The Rally will open with the sounds of drums and a positive
three minutes of womens energy.

There will be a venue with sauna, swimming pool and a space to be
from 10 am till late with a all women only fundraising celebration from 6pm till
1am at the 52 club Gower st, London WC1. 15min walk from
Trafalgar Sq or a very short bus journey there!

This is an all women event

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on
07862113308 Text or by email millionwomenrise@gmail.com

We have very little funds and asking women to dig deep where they can
or pass the message to others who may be able to help and feel the
solidarity for the cause. Our main priority however is in calling
women all over the country to join us.

Our biggest goal at the moment is to let every woman know about the
march. Keep an eye on our website and blog page for all the activities
taking place and updates millionwomenrise.com

Together we can end violence against women

If you are planning to bring a coach or a group of women, Please keep us updated

In solidarity and sistahood
stay blessed
sabrina qureshi

7:41 PM

wimmins voices

Posted by Doncrack |

Wimmin’s Voices – Feel the Rising!

“I want to feel safe! It is my right! And the right of my children!”

“It is a crying shame that we still have to campaign for the basic human rights of all women and girls everywhere to live with dignity and in peace, free from male violence and economic exploitation. We can never rest until this work is done”

“Strong and united women never defeated. Thanks for taking a stand against VAW in all its forms including commercial sexual exploitation. Not easy because feminists all over the world are bending under the pro sex work lobby, but absolutely necessary if we see feminism as about freeing all women”

“We support the March and our sisters in the struggle! Let's educate our husbands, brothers and sons for a positive future for all women! Peace & Blessings”

“Feel this sound of women rising,
Feel the pulse of women near,
Listen to this song we're singing
One in heart - with minds, and souls, sincere.

ONE MILLION women transcending all differences
ONE HEART that beats to an age old sound
ONE VOICE resonantly calling out for justice
UNITED in a belief that peace is possible…and now!”

“This campaign is of the utmost importance for me and all women. I suffered from domestic violence ~ physical/verbal abuse and intimidation from my father when I was growing up. Three of my friends have been raped and one was sold to be used in child pornography repeatedly whilst growing-up, including torture and repeated rape”

“If a man hits a man in the street, he is sent to prison. If a man hits a woman (partner, wife) behind closed doors at home, he is applauded and gets custody of the children. Sadly speaking from personal experience myself (currently involved in a horrific battle about residence of my three children with my violent husband who is trying to declare me mentally ill and an "unfit mother" - don't they all do that and get away with it?). The chapter "Mother-blaming in the Courts" in Marianne Hester's book "Mothering through domestic violence" could have been written about me.
Never give up!!!”

“We have come to far as a species, have too much evidence and historical record behind us now, to accept responsibility for only our finest achievements. We must also and equally give effort to righting our wrongs. And the wrongs against women, so long as they continue, discredit any achievement we have made or wish to make in the future”

“We're getting as many women there as we can... doing it ourselves... raising money...raising passion... raising support... raising our fists in the old symbol of women's liberation. Love to womanists, feminists and women's liberation activists everywhere!”

4:30 PM

Womens' Voices...

Posted by Doncrack |

o Womens Comments.

• I actually just heard about the campaign here, and I’ll definitely show up at the March. Great event. (Opc was the best)

• I agree with the one above. The performances were really cool, I enjoyed it.

• Beautiful environment to celebrate the power of women, and draw strength from each other.

• Would be good for there to be more ‘spoken’ information about the campaign. Quite a captive audience during the music, so good opportunity to express ideas.

• I love it – women interconnected, together.
One body – One song – One woman – One love.

• Great atmosphere – very chilled and friendly. Love it. Well done.

• It is an excellent idea

• It was a nice idea doing this event in the evening, just disappointed I never got a
massage, should have been told pregnant women couldn’t have one, I did write it down on the form.

• The live music was good, the venue was great.

• Very nice evening, but would have been good if there had been free snacks or asked to give a small donation for them.

• I wish that we brought all of our clients from our centre Kurdish speaker’s women. They would have felt great as I feel now.

• It has been a very nice evening, relaxing and full of fun, on the top is the feeling of solidarity.

• Thanks, it was a wonderful evening, as an Iraqi woman thanks. You have our solidarity.

• WELL DONE LAYDEEZ. Great idea, and great entertainment, we need to up the publicity and outreach.

• Its great, the activities were excellent and performances are fantastic. Hope you raise enough for the campaign.

• Its wonderful, keep it up, to raise the voice of so many vulnerable women. Pakistani and Iraqi and Afghani women need more attention.

• Really enjoyed it, thanks for getting British Sign Language Communicator. Good luck with fundraising ---- Great cause.

• A really lovely environment, good acts and speeches. Please do more , it has cemented lots of things, I have been thinking about these issues.

• Thanks so much for this evening – such positive, important work you are doing, the atmosphere here tonight directly reflects that. Will spread the word

• Great mix of acts pool and sauna good idea. More detailed advance info good. you need swimming hats and goggles?

• Had lots of fun – thank you!

• Wonderful performance, you all had great talents! Thanks.

• A lot of old faces – not as in wrinkles, but we have all come a long way.

• Very friendly atmosphere – Jude x

• Ross says where is the poetry? Missed it.

• A night for one million women. Had a bar, a sauna and swimming. We were at the Nellie Dean. So we missed the poetry and all we got to hear was the singing!

• Great idea – Could do with a regular/permanent centre like the old LLGC in Farringdon.

• It was a fantastic event, well done to everyone who organized it. I’d love it if you would organise another one and I’d tell a load of other women.

• Fantastic evening – sorry you didn’t make more money, please do again and we will pay you more money and tell all our mates!

• Another one please!! Great idea! Lovely women! Let me know about the next one! X

The next one with love with performers , more music , dance, sauna and swimming plus lots more. The womens Day love celebration on Saturday 8th March 2008 6pm till 1am x Club 52 Gower St .

As we wind down 2009, I want to share articles that will guide and transition you into a beautiful 2010. From First 30 Days, this article helps take personal inventory and ask some quality questions.


The end of another year can bring up some tough times for many of us. We blame ourselves for the weight we put on. We criticize ourselves for the dream we didn’t pursue. We realize that we are yet again single for the holidays or we have racked up more debt. Whatever our demon is, we tend easily to forget a lot of what happened that led us to make our decisions. So let’s take a very different look back at 2009.

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself that will radically change your view on this past year:

1) Whom did I meet this year who is now in my life?
2) What emotion really caused me to grow? Courage? Faith?
3) What emotion was I unafraid to feel? Fear? Sadness?
4) What am I most proud of?
5) In what area of my life did I really make some progress?
6) What did I do that completely surprised me and was unexpected to me?
7) Whom did I really help?
8) What is the biggest lesson I really faced?
9) What am I most grateful for?
10) What were the most fun times I had?

We get what we focus on. So despite the impossibly super-human standards we set for ourselves, we need to take a moment to realize what we gave to others, what went well, what worked out, what lesson life wanted us to learn this year, and what gifts were hidden that we could not possibly have predicted 12 months ago.

There are years for action and years for reflection. There are years for love and years for alone time. There are years for giving and years for receiving.

Be gentle on yourself and light on life.

To your success in 2010!
Coach Carolyn

There is a place, where words are born of silence,
Where whispers of the heart arise....

The Million Women Rise Coalition expresses its sincere thanks to all the women who assisted in making the march and rally on 8 March 2008 in Central London a truly amazing, herstorical and successful event. Thousands of women joined the million women rise to end violence against women and the energy, love and defiance certainly rose. This was and is, just the beginning from now until we meet again on the 8th March 2009.

Our actions sent a clear message to decision makers that we are no longer prepared to accept rhetoric in the campaign to end violence against women and children.

We should all be proud of what we achieved on 8 March 2008. We will continue to work in solidarity with other women who share our vision for a world where women and children can live their lives free from the threat of violence. We take our strength from Maya Angelou’s words “Still we rise”.

We are disappointed that an incident involving a speaker who failed to get her contribution lodged in time has been misconstrued as an attempt to prevent her speaking about prostitution and violence. The speaker was invited in her capacity as a trade union official and we welcome the support of trade unions that share our aims and key message.

As a coalition we recognise that women who work in prostitution experience some of the most horrendous violence and abuse, and to them and all women who have experienced such violence, we offer our unwavering support and solidarity.

We also regret the actions of a few women, which resulted in violence, at the rally. As a coalition, we do not approve of acts of violence against anybody.

The Million Women Rise march and its related activities presents an opportunity for increasing dialogue between women. This we feel is the key to forging an indestructible unity between all women, which transcends all differences of nationality, ethnicity, religion, generation, and social position. Through dialogue we can learn from one another’s experiences and perceptions, which can only work to strengthen this ‘rising’ movement of women. Only by having open discussions can we further progress women’s position in this society, and work together to eradicate gendered violence. To this aim then, we would like to facilitate open dialogue forums around the UK and encourage all women to consider how they could organise a forum where they live

Thank you again. To all the women and girls that marched and gathered on International Women’s day 2008 in solidarity against male violence. Thank you to our stewards, women who had volunteered to be part of a movement towards a society that is free from violence, our amazing and inspirational speakers and comperes who shared their words and hearts, our 3 sign language interpreters, to the girl children the mothers, sistahs, aunties and elders who led, held and followed the march, and to the millions of women who have been murdered through violence, whose spirits we carry in our blood and whose hearts we could feel through the drums. Thank you drummers for swelling your hands to keep women on the march in rhythm with love. Thanks to the singers and musicians, artists and photographers, mobile movie makers, MWR crew. Thank you women past, present future for giving us the strength and courage that made this day possible because you inspired Million Women Rise, because some of us right now are free and we do this action because we can. Let’s meet again March 8th 2009 hopefully and as one sister says: to celebrate the elimination of male violence against women in all its forms. It will happen in our lifetime.
It is good!


Please sign the petitions on line or download click links below . We need your support
Rape Crisis http: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/RapeCrisis/

Southall Black Sisters http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SaveSBS/

MWR Bank Holiday http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/IWDpublicholiday/

Why Women? campaign www.whywomen.org.uk

If there are any womens groups out there who need our solidarity and support please do not hesitate to contact us 07862113308/

Or write to us care of Womens Resource Centre

One stick is easily broken many sticks together are harder to break.

Here is some feedback and photos of this herstoric day Million Women Rise 2008, London UK x

“This is the best IWD ever” “It really feels like we can change the world”

“This is the start of something big - change has got to come”

“This is the best march I have ever been on”

“This is the most diverse [women-only] march I have seen”.

The atmosphere on the march was highly charged with a positive energy, this was clearly fuelled by a shared determination and belief that together we will see an end to all forms of violence against women.

A fabulous piece of advice from First 30 Days. I always tell my clients and students to choose a theme or a feeling for the new year. It's a great step up from making resolutions, which we rarely follow through on. Take note and enjoy!


Instead of having a long list of hopes, wishes and goals for the upcoming year, consider picking just one word. Focus all of the energy you might otherwise invest in New Year's resolutions into making this word your standard for 2010.

Some examples include:
Yes – Say yes to everything, including what scares you and what you wouldn't normally do
Honesty - Tell the truth, both to yourself and to others
Health – Make taking care of your body all that matters this year
Allow – Let go of resistance, allowing everything to unfold perfectly

Alternatively, choose a phrase through which you'll filter your actions, decisions, and so on.

For example:
- Put family first.
- Be kind instead of right.
- Have more fun.
- Be spontaneous.
- Listen to your intuition always.

Before you know it, you'll find this word or phrase affecting every area of your life.

To your success!
Coach Carolyn

Statement by Israeli Women's Organizations
Sent by Women in Black

We women's peace organizations from a broad spectrum of political views demand an end to the bombing and other tools of death, and call for the immediate start of deliberations to talk peace and not make war. The dance of death and destruction must come to an end. We demand that war no longer be an option, nor violence a strategy, nor killing an alternative. The society we want is one in which every individual can lead a life of security - personal, economic, and social.

It is clear that the highest price is paid by women and others from the periphery - geographic, economic, ethnic, social, and cultural - who now, as always, are excluded from the public eye and dominant discourse.
The time for women is now. We demand that words and actions be conducted in another language.
Ahoti: For Women in Israel
Anuar: Jewish and Arab Women Leadership
Artemis: Economic Society for Women
Bat Shalom
Coalition of Women for Peace
Economic Empowerment for Women
Feminancy: College for Women's Empowerment
Feminist Activist Group - Jerusalem
Feminist Activist Group - Tel Aviv
International Women's Commission: Israeli Branch
Isha L'Isha: Haifa Feminist Center
Itach: Women Lawyers for Social Justice
Kol Ha-Isha: Jerusalem Women's Center
Mahut Center: Information, Training, and Employment for Women
Shin Movement: Equal Representation for Women
Supportive Community: Women's Business Development Center
Tmura: The Israeli Antidiscrimination Legal Center
University against Harassment - Tel Aviv
Women and their Bodies
Women's Parliament
Women's Spirit: Financial Independence for Women Victims of Violence
Marche Mondiale des Femmes contre les Violences et la Pauvreté

Steven Meisel photographed Kasia Struss for the Italian Vogue December 2009 cover on October 18, 2009 with stylist Karl Templer.

Model: Kasia Struss
Photographer: Steven Meisel
Stylist: Karl Templer

2:57 PM

Be Happy or Be Wicked

Posted by Doncrack |

"The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness, for when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the stream of pure, positive Source Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention." ~ Esther Hicks

Think about this. Are you someone you would want to spend quality time with? Or, are you the one everyone wants to get away from?

I remember as a small child the telephone ringing; I would answer and tell my mother who the caller was. For some, she would jump up to answer the phone. But for others, she would make a face and tell me to inform them she was out, or sleeping. This has always remained with me because I often thought: when am I the one on the other end of the phone?

When you are in a state of joy, of happiness, of bliss, then you radiate positive energy – the kind of energy other people would like to be around. Yet, when you are in a place of anger, resentment, sending out negative vibes, two things happen: you attract more of the same and you subtract the positive people from your life.

We have all been there. The so-called friend that when we hear their name mentioned our eyes roll up into our heads so far we can see the moon. Don’t be that friend.

Being happy is a choice. And you get to choose.
Coach Carolyn

I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He would always win the fight

Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down.

Seasons came and changed the time
When I grew up, I called him mine
He would always laugh and say
"Remember when we used to play?"

Bang bang, I shot you down
Bang bang, you hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, I used to shoot you down.

Music played, and people sang
Just for me, the church bells rang.

Now he's gone, I don't know why
And till this day, sometimes I cry
He didn't even say goodbye
He didn't take the time to lie.

Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down...

Juergen Teller photographed Jamie Bochert for the Spring 2010 Marc Jacobs campaign.

Spring 2010 Marc Jacobs Campaign

From style.com, By Nicole Phelps:

Narciso Rodriguez's lineup opened with a red double-face cashmere wool balloon coat and tapering trousers. "Early fall is about menswear, the boys' club," the designer said. "But the silhouettes are exaggerated." In both directions: The next look was a washed heavyweight winter cotton pantsuit, the shrunken jacket of which had toylike proportions. On the relaxed side, he showed a cap-sleeve sack dress in a metallic-shot wool with slash pockets at the hips, and an easy gray flannel jumpsuit with matching grosgrain trim. Stretch knit sleeveless tops and skirts, meanwhile, and his asymmetric-neckline cocktail fare, including one knockout L.B.D. with a bodice embroidered with blackened red sequins, followed much more body-con lines. Never for a moment did any of these experiments with volume, or the lack thereof, look like anything but signature Rodriguez, and that should certainly please his sophisticated power-women clients. -

Kutlu Ertan photographed Alexa Yudina for Deutsch Magazine on April 19, 2009 with beauty editor Maxine Leonard.

Deutsch Magazine #41 Editorial
Model: Alexa Yudina
Photographer: Kutlu Ertan
Beauty Editor: Maxine Leonard

Camilla Akrans photographed Toni Garrn for the German Vogue January 2010 cover on September 12-13, 2009 with stylist Nicola Knels.

Model: Toni Garrn
Photographer: Camilla Akrans
Stylist: Nicola Knels
Makeup: Wendy Rowe

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