Diabetes is certainly a serious problem that affects both genders and all races. Although the signs of diabetes typically begin to show well before the disease is actually diagnosed, a recent report reveals that the signs can be detected in women far earlier than they are detected in men.

More specifically, there are three risk factors that tend to show up quite early in women. These include malfunction of the cells that line the inner surface of the blood vessels (called endothelial dysfunction), low levels of a hormone called adionectin, and having a higher than normal amount of breakdowns and formations of blood clots.

“Because these pre-diabetic markers are not routinely assessed, and because diabetes is strongly linked with coronary heart disease, the study may help explain why the decline in death rates for heart disease in diabetic women lags behind that of diabetic men.” - Richard Donahue, Ph.D. of the University of Buffalo’s School of Public Health and Health Professions and Lead Author of the study.
Once these signs appear, women need to start to carefully watch their bodies for diabetes. For men, however, these signs do not appear to be a tip off that diabetes is on the way.

The study used to conclude this information involved following 1,455 healthy subjects. When the same people that were initially studied were re-examined, it was found that the 52 women that had progressed to pre-diabetes has all of these signs when they were initially examined. The 39 men that had progressed to this stage, however, did not have these risk factors in their blood.


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