6:51 AM

Does Attitude Affect Outcome?

Posted by Doncrack |

History is filled with men and women who made some of the greatest achievements by excelling only slightly over the masses of others in their field. Often that slight edge is attitude.

We must admit that aptitude is important to our success in life. Yet success or failure in any undertaking is caused more by mental attitude than by mere mental capabilities. Oh great, now it’s not only what I know but how I apply what I know. I read of a Princeton Seminary professor who discovered that the spirit of optimism really does make a difference. He made a study of great preachers across past centuries. He noted their tremendous varieties of personalities and gifts. Then he asked the questions, “What do these outstanding pulpiteers all have in common besides their faith?” After several years of searching he found the answer. It was their cheerfulness. In most cases they were happy men. The difference was attitude. They liked what they were doing.

Try faking a good attitude day after day and week after week. You may be able to get away with it for a short time but you can’t fake a good attitude for long. Either you ‘blow your top’ or your attitude actually adjusts to become positive.

Secondly, your attitude at the beginning of a task greatly determines the outcome. Have you ever started a task that you just hated or didn’t want to be doing? What happened? I have found that the task takes at least twice as long, sometimes more. I either miss something or break something or dump something. That’ll extend the task far beyond what it takes when I have a good attitude at the beginning.

Your attitude at the beginning greatly determines if the task will even get completed. If you start a task with a bad attitude what happens when you run into a problem? Most likely you’ll up and quit and tell everyone “you knew it couldn’t be done.” But if I have a good attitude at the beginning when problems come along I will see them as a challenge and find the solution.

Put that thinking into the job market. Why do two people with equal qualifications go for interviews one gets a job the other goes home upset with ‘the system.’ I have had several managers say it is simply their attitude. One asks what all the benefits are and how much time off he will get. The other asks what the advancement opportunities are gong to be for him. He asks if they are open to suggestions and improvement.

Once again, put that thinking into the home based business world. Everyone wants to make the big bucks and make them fast. So they start a new business only thinking of the money that will be coming in. They give no thought to learning, listening and advice. The attitude was ‘here I am come and give me your money.’ They were not concerned about the customer and the product they delivered.

Betty Gordon is successfully running a business with the attitude of helping others enjoy travel and have the opportunity to join with her in this internet venture. anointeddiamonds. Check it out and if you have the right attitude you to can be successful.


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