8:05 AM

Beauty Musts For Summer Vacation

Posted by Doncrack |

For some people, vacation time is one and the same as summer. Summer vacation time is a time to frolic in the beach; to make the most of enjoying the sand, sea and sun and; to flaunt those gorgeous bikini ready bodies that have been hidden in shirts, jeans and sweaters during the cold or chilly seasons of the year. But before you let your hair down and be a happy-go-lucky summer fool, you must know that summer can also be hazardous for your hair, skin and all other things that you have carefully nurtured for. Here are a few summer beauty pointers that you might consider to make sure that you maintain that grace under the sun's pressure.

First stop is to protect your hair. Repeated exposure to sunshine and to saltwater if you are often hanging in the beach will definitely do some damage to your lovely mane. It could leave it dry, dusty and worst fried, especially if your hair has gone through a number of chemical processes like hair straightening and hair coloring. Your best bet is to wear a good old dependable hat. You can choose from a myriad of styles -- a cap, a straw hat or a bucket one; whatever suits your taste as long it does the job of protecting your hair. There is also hair sunscreen available in the market now. You may want to apply some on your tresses before you step into the sun.

During summer, the spotlight is usually on your skin. Considering that you will mostly be sporting bikinis and shorts, the sun would definitely have its time beaming its rays on your revealed skins. A number of people go ahead and bask in the sun only thinking of getting that perfect tan. Before you do, make sure that your skin is protected. Having a tan may be cool but sunburns are definitely not. Protect your skin with a quality non-greasy sunscreen beforehand and remember to reapply after every two hours. It is also recommended that you put some on right after you swim and perspire to keep your skin shielded from the sun's harmful rays. As for that tan, there are creams that may help you achieve that desired color without having to spend so much time lying under the sun. These creams can also keep the moisture in your skin.

And last but not the least do not forget about your feet. There is no place for your toe-barring heels, closed formal shoes or sandals in the beach. Flip-flops and bare feet rule. As your toes will be as naked as your bikini laden bodies, it is imperative that they should look good. Walking in flip-flops or in bare feet can make your soles rough and coarse. To revive their smoothness, treat them to a thorough and scrupulous scrubbing when you are taking a shower. Lathering on a rich moisturizer afterwards would make them supple. And remember to keep your nails fresh and neat. You can opt to show them off with a neutral polish or go wild and go for bright colors.


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