"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality." ~ Les Brown

This past weekend about a dozen of our rockin' women of purpose came out to celebrate our third anniversary as a community of women on the journey. It was truly a magical experience. In spite of the fact that the city just got dumped with two feet of snow - give or take an inch or two in some spots - we gathered together to share stories, laugh together, encourage and empower one another and EAT! I was pleasantly surprised at all the delicious delicacies that were placed on our table.

One of the wonderful takeaways from the gathering was about not allowing other people's opinions to influence one's dreams. I thought this was stellar. We work so hard at setting up our boundaries, yet we forget that other people's opinions are one of the greatest boundary invaders. When we allow someone else's opinions to influence our thinking, we might as well turn over our lives to them and not live it. We are in fact living their life, their story, their dream and their drama - which has absolutely nothing to do with us. We have our own story, our own dreams and intentions, and our own opinions of what that all will look like.

When we allow our boundaries to get trampled upon in this way, fear is sure to creep in from around the corner. Why? Because we are not being and doing what is authentic to us. We are living someone else's story. And how scary is that?

Remember my post on Transcending Fear with I AM statements? Well, if you missed it, you can catch it again here. But check the term: I AM! This is about ME; and not about YOU! Keep affirming to yourself your I AM statements, because this reminds you of living in your own authentic story; stay out of other people's drama.

May the light go on with this one. And if it doesn't; check your bulb!

Coach Carolyn

Fear has all sorts of ways to keep you from living your best life. Don't let fear be your guiding force, join the Transcending Fear Mentoring Program. You'll have lots of light bulb moments!


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