Happy Valentine’s Day Passionate People!

You know, this has never been one of my favorite days simply because it has become so commercialized. I say we love and eat chocolate everyday! Not just on February 14th.

But this year is a little different. Please help me celebrate this day by indulging one of my passions: writing. And I have two ways to celebrate:

First, I have been memed, (that means tagged for all you blogger-language challenged folks) by the Diva herself, Toby Bloomberg, in her Friday Fun. I am to come up with 7 Facts About Me. Now, I know dozens of facts about me, but can never think of them when asked. So, I thought for this Valentine’s Day, that would be my love treat to me and to all of you. Here goes:

1. I was painfully shy as a child and could not speak in public, now you cannot shut me up!

2. I like dogs, but I love cats. Cats are snooty and prissy, just like me! Although, I prefer penguins; but I can't keep one in my apartment.

3. I love to laugh! That is my major form of exercise.

4. The ‘D’ that’s my middle name could either stand for dynamic or deadly, depending on what day it is. Okay seriously, it’s Denyse.

5. I am not really a chocolate eater; but I looove Skittles! I eat them two by two, different colors, of course.

6. I love journals and candles. They go together like... Bert and Ernie!

7. I must take myself on a date once a week to be near a body of water. Okay, so when I’m really busy, I fill the bathtub!

And there you have it. Seven incredibly off the wall facts about the Wild Wiki Woman! Rock on!

Also, for this love day, I want to share that I am one of the featured authors in the new Power of Love e-book by Dr. Fran Harris, America’s InPowerment Coach. Dr. Fran is a WNBA Champion, Business Coach, TV Host and speaker. And she is dynamic to boot!

I am so excited about this book because if I were not a passion and prosperity coach, I would be a loooove coach! Just giving everybody love! This ebook, hot off the presses today, is a compilation of stories about love. So, give yourself the gift of love, and purchase this love nugget at only $9.97.

With just a couple clicks of the mouse, you can have the Power of Love in your hot little inbox. Now, how rockin is that?

Show me some love by showing yourself some love, get this book. Have a rockin V-Day, everyday!

Show the love with purpose!
Coach Carolyn


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