I want to share a great message from author and teacher Mary Manin Morrissey. Enjoy!

Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.” This is a very powerful statement but what's really powerful is when we practice remembering its power.

When we find ourselves thinking, "Oh I never have been able to" or "I can't" or "I used to be able to but now I can't", we are actually reinforcing a limitation. Our thinking is a gift from God and when we think in constriction we have cut ourselves off from God's power to give us ideas where the solutions can be found.

To tap into Universal power, we need to think into the solution. Just start by saying to yourself, “If I could do this, how might it work?” What ideas are there for how it could happen?

Let's remember what Henry Ford said and practice it today. If you think you can or you think you can't, you get to be right. So let's be right in thinking that it can be done. There is a solution and we can access it.

Just for today, think you CAN!

Coach Carolyn

Sometimes fear keeps us from truly believing that we can. Instead of allowing fear to interfere with your plans, join the Transcending Fear Mentoring Program and learn to turn that fear to faith.


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