“Two thousand years ago, a great master said, ‘And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’…

Imagine living without fear, without judgment, without blame, without guilt, without shame. Imagine living your life without trying to please other people’s points of view, and not even your own point of view according to your own book of law. Imagine how different your life would be in you lived with gratitude, love, loyalty, and justice, beginning with yourself. Just imagine the union between you and your body if you were completely loyal to your body, if you were completely grateful for your body, if you treated your body with justice. Imagine being yourself, and not trying to convince anybody of anything. Imagine that just by being yourself, you are happy, and that wherever you go, heaven is going with you, because you
are heaven. Imagine living with this kind of freedom. Yes, the truth will set you free, but first you need to see the truth.”
~ From The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel and Don Jose Ruiz

Just imagine...

Coach Carolyn

Imagine a brighter future, join the
Transcending Fear Mentoring Program.


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