Enjoy this short yet beautiful video and may you be blessed!
Have a great weekend!
Coach Carolyn
The Gentle Art of Blessing
Just Imagine...
“Two thousand years ago, a great master said, ‘And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’…
Imagine living without fear, without judgment, without blame, without guilt, without shame. Imagine living your life without trying to please other people’s points of view, and not even your own point of view according to your own book of law. Imagine how different your life would be in you lived with gratitude, love, loyalty, and justice, beginning with yourself. Just imagine the union between you and your body if you were completely loyal to your body, if you were completely grateful for your body, if you treated your body with justice. Imagine being yourself, and not trying to convince anybody of anything. Imagine that just by being yourself, you are happy, and that wherever you go, heaven is going with you, because you are heaven. Imagine living with this kind of freedom. Yes, the truth will set you free, but first you need to see the truth.”
~ From The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel and Don Jose Ruiz
Just imagine...
Coach Carolyn
Imagine a brighter future, join the Transcending Fear Mentoring Program.
Letting Go for Inner Peace
“Sometimes you have to let everything go – purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything – whatever is bringing you down – get rid of it. Because you will find that when you are free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.” ~ Tina Turner
I have definitely found this to be the case for myself. It wasn’t until I had to let go – because by the time I was ready to let go, I had to let go – that something bigger, better and more magnificent came my way. I was no longer bogged down with things that zapped my energy and my creativity. I was truly free; and at peace.
Just for today, examine your life and make the conscious decision to let go of what is draining you of your creative energy and obstructing your flow. You’ll be glad you did.
Here’s to letting go,
Coach Carolyn
Fear-based thoughts can certainly drain you of your energy and stifle not only your creativity, but your entire way of life. If you are ready to deal with those energy drains, join the Transcending Fear Mentoring Program. You’ll be glad you did!
When Fear Hinders Relationships
“You can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states, and those who are in them cannot read the thoughts of God.” ~ Wallace D. Wattles
We live in a world of wonderful connections and relationships. Yet, there is something that looms within those connections and relationships that keep us stuck, keep us struggling, keep us broke, and keep us falling into habit patterns that simply do not serve. That something is fear. As Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich, when we are fearful we cannot perceive truth or properly connect with God or one another.
I have read that most relationships end because of lack of communication. I believe the underlying agent is fear. Why can't we communicate properly? We are afraid of what the other might think.... We are afraid of being rejected.... We are afraid of being hurt.... We are afraid of looking stupid.... And on and on and on it goes. Why are we so afraid? Beliefs, habits and paradigms that do not serve us.
Then we get into another relationship that looks exactly like the one we just got out of or even more toxic. The cycle continues. It is time to get off of the merry-go-round of fear and anxiety. Life is meant to be about ease and flow, not effort and fear. Unfortunately, I see more of the latter than the former. I can see it very clearly because I used to be smack dab in the center of it. I was afraid of everything. Growing up in violence, fear was the name of the game. So, I learned to disappear and it served me well - too well, I may add.
I finally made the decision to get off the fear merry-go-round. But it was not easy. It still is not easy; but because I made the decision, I did it. I had to get in alignment with what the universe had in store for me. Today, I have the tools in my toolkit to release the fears that hold me back and keep me stuck, and transcend the fears that are working for my highest good.
If you too are ready to release limiting beliefs and fears that keep you stuck, then join the Transcending Fear Mentoring Program. Stop letting your fears keep you from the connections and relationships you were destined to have.
Here's to transcending your fears!
Coach Carolyn
Think...On Purpose
“A person’s way of doing things is the direct result of the way they think about things.” ~ Wallace Wattles from The Science of Getting Rich
It wasn’t until I became aware of my thinking that life got clear for me. Before I became aware, it was as if I was wading through muddy waters. Like the Apostle Paul mentions in one of his letters, it was like I was “seeing through a glass darkly.” And because I was seeing so murky, I was not aware that I was living a life of insanity. We know that Einstein said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Unfortunately, we do the same thing over and over and over and wonder why we get the same results. This is because in our heads, we know what we want to happen; we know what we want the outcome to look like – but for some reason, it’s not happening.
This can be extremely confusing, especially since we know what we want. But do we really? Perhaps we do, but I know that what we say we want and what we think about wanting are usually two very different things. So what shows up in our life? The thing we don’t want! Why? Because that was our dominant thought and it was the thought we put the most energy into – whether we did it consciously or not. Even if the energy we expended was negative energy, it’s still energy. The universe does not know the difference, nor care.
If we plant sweet corn or if we plant a deadly poison, the earth will give us the fruits of our labor – either the sweet corn or the deadly poison. The earth neither knows the difference nor discriminates between the two. It is the same with our thoughts. I know that it can be very difficult to become aware of what you are thinking about most of the time, as it was for me. But you know, once you do become aware, and make the decision to focus on what you think about, life will begin to fall into place.
I now saturate my mind with positive images, messages, and sounds. From the time I get up in the morning to the time I go to bed in the evening, I am listening to positive audio books, audio lessons, I read books that speak peace and prosperity and I do not allow negativity to enter in. I stopped watching the news and reading newspapers about twelve years ago because they were so negative and violent. I mainly stopped because they upset me psychically and shook my senses. But this practice has served me in more ways than this. I do know what is going on in the world – at least what I am interested in knowing. I really don’t care who sleeps with whom and which celebrity got a nip and tuck. This does not serve me nor help me to create a life on purpose.
Think about what you think about. We think approximately 60,000 thought a day and about 40,000 of them are repetitive and very likely self-abusive. Wake up to your life. It is time to stop sleepwalking and take responsibility for your own life. Get off the treadmill of insanity.
I suggest you read Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich. You can download the e-book for free or get the audio. I listen to it every night as I am drifting off to sleep. I also read a passage or two every day. It has helped me tremendously with my thinking. Now, I think more consciously and more deliberately. My productivity, focus, and concentration have also improved. I no longer wander aimlessly. It’s time to get your life back on track. Yes, you may have derailed, but you don’t have to stay there. Remember, it’s your choice.
Here’s to your success!
Coach Carolyn
If those 40,000 thoughts are mostly fear-based, then why not join my Transcending Fear Mentoring Program. It’s quick and easy to join and you can do it from the comfort of your home or office.
Friday's Purposeful Question
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
“What are your recent obstacles; and how can you turn them into opportunities?”
“You can tell whether a woman is clever by her answers. You can tell whether she is wise by her questions.” ~ attributed to Naguib Mahfouz
Live your questions!
Coach Carolyn
If you are not seeing your obstacles as nothing but obstacles, chances are fear is getting in the way. Check out the Transcending Fear Online Mentoring Program, and watch your obstacles turn to fabulous opportunities.
What Kind of Art Are You Creating?
“All humans are artists, all of us. Every symbol, every word, is a little piece of art. From my point of view, and thanks to our programming, our greatest masterpiece of art is the use of a language to create an entire virtual reality within our mind. The virtual reality we create could be a clear reflection of the truth, or it could be completely distorted. Either way, it’s art. Our creation could be our personal heaven, or it could be our personal hell. It doesn’t matter; it’s art. But what can we do with the awareness of what is truth and what is virtual is endless. The truth leads to self-mastery, to a life that’s very easy; our distortion of the truth often leads to needless conflict and human suffering. Awareness makes all the difference.” ~ From The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel and Don Jose Ruiz
So, what kind of art are you creating? Well, take a look at your life; your inner life and your outer life. This is your own personal heaven or your personal hell. It's all about choice; and the choice is yours.
Which art are you choosing to create?
Coach Carolyn
Remember Your Message
“As we ask questions and seek our purpose, we look for answers both inside and outside ourselves. We learn from others; our own experience; books, workshops, teachers, and mentors; and our painful mistakes. We receive many messages – some of them mixed – about what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives and what will make us feel as if we’re on the right path toward happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of meaning.” ~ From The Won Thing by Peggy McColl
Yes, I have done all of the above, only to discover that I really did not have to look very far for all the answers I was seeking. In my many years of working with women and men in helping them find their passion and purpose, I see so many nix the idea that the answers are already within. The question that baffled me for so long was why were we placed on this earth without a roadmap? Come to discover, we weren’t. We were given very special and very personalized roadmaps. We have just misplaced them!
We were all incarnated on this dear earth to deliver our own very special and very unique messages; but we seem to have forgotten the message. So, we wander around as messengers without the message. Instead of stopping, taking a breath, and asking ourselves some simple questions, we fret, worry, doubt, get anxious, become fearful and lose our way.
Think about this: butterflies, sunflowers, birds, you name it - never forget their message. They never forget what they have come here to do. Just stop and think about this. I double dare you!
As I always say – stopping is a spiritual action. Take some time to stop and remember the message you came here to deliver. Once you do, you will be amazed at how everything else in your life just falls into place.
Here’s to living your best life!
Coach Carolyn
Is not remembering your message causing more fear than faith? Check out the Transcending Fear Online Mentoring Program. It can help you to remember your message.
Shifting to a Peaceful Consciousness
Why should we care about raising our consciousness? When we set an intention to change and grow, we begin a journey in which we move from coping, to learning and finally, to the enjoyment of living.
Here are some of the shifts we move through:
~ From dependence on the clock, to charting a direction, to moment-to-moment guidance from intuition.
~ From doing things right, to doing the right things, to being your true self.
~ From lack of self discipline to having personal willpower to serving divine will.
~ From being out of control, to being in control, to trusting and letting go of the need to control.
With each step, we experience greater freedom, fulfillment and joy. Worth going for, don’t you think?
“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.” ~ Stephen R. Covey
Brought to you by Higher Awareness.
Here's to your shift!
Coach Carolyn
Seeing Obstacles as Opportunities
“When opportunity comes, it appears in a different form and from a different direction. That is one of the tricks of opportunity. It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat. Perhaps this is why so many fail to recognize opportunity.
“Before success comes to most people, they are sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and perhaps some failure. When faced with defeat the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit.” ~ From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
I found myself picking up this book this past weekend and re-reading this particular passage. I have read this passage dozens of times, but needed to read it again. You see, this past weekend I was dealing with a computer virus; and my antivirus would not kick in and do its job. As my dear laptop Luna Sophia is four years old, she is extremely slow and packed full of junk. So my only option was to reboot and restore back to factory settings. And no, I did not have a backup – so I lost everything!
As I was waiting for the process of the reboot to finish, I got the urge to pick up Hill’s book – it’s right by my bed – and re-read the above passage. All of a sudden, I got a burst of new energy. I felt as if I was given a reprieve. I thought about how I could consciously and mindfully choose to restore my data. I was going to use a browser that I liked; I was not going to load it with programs that would slow it down; and I would feed it and myself only positive mindset programs and materials – as this is my new path in life.
I could not wait to get up this morning and make my conscious decisions about what I would install onto my “new” computer. And whoa! Does it run so much faster! And space? Can we talk?
Instead of seeing every obstacle or defeat as just stumbling blocks strategically placed to ruin your day, look for the opportunities in them. As Hill said, most people will see these temporary defeats as just give up, not looking beyond them for the lessons, the blessings, and the testings.
So, just for today, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK:
“How can I see the beauty in everything and everyone that crosses my path?” Especially the not so beautiful!
Learn to turn your obstacles into opportunities!
Coach Carolyn
Love Yourself… On Purpose
"Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end." ~ Author Unknown
I have noticed that it is easy for women to say they love someone – a significant other, a child, a pet, a dear friend, and the like. Yet, how hard is it for women to say they love themselves. Because...well, do they? I dare say they do not.
As women, we are our own worst enemies. We beat up on ourselves worse than we would allow anyone else to be beaten up on. And yet, we are constantly looking for love. Now I ask? How do we receive love from another when we have difficulty giving love to ourselves?
In my twenty plus years of working with women’s groups, I can pretty quickly tell when a woman does not love herself. She puts out a vibe that screams quite loudly – at least to my ears. This is the woman I want to be around the least. And guess what? Did you ask ‘what’? Well, no one else wants to be around her either! So there!
Oscar Wilde once said, "To love oneself is the begining of a life-long romance."
So for this lovely Saint Valentine’s weekend, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK:
“Who am I?”
When you don’t know who you are, it is very difficult to fall in love with yourself. When you can get in touch with who you truly are, a whole new world opens up to you; a world filled with lots of expression of love.
You cannot fully love yorself if fear is keeping you stuck and stressed out. Check out my Transcending Fear Online Mentoring Program. Doing this is truly loving yourself.
Are You Honoring Your Agreements?
Women - Breast Is No Longer Best... Formula Is Inadequate...
Doing Baby Showers…On Purpose
As February is about love and all that good stuff, it reminds me of the time I was elected to plan my boss’ baby shower (back in the day when I had a J.O.B.). Why me? Who knows. And I had to do this, from start to finish, on the sneak – of course, the boss was not to know. My boss, Lisa, was a sweetheart. Her new husband was a doctor and she was always happy. So, when I was chosen to give the shower, I was happy to do it; even though I had no idea what to do. Who me? Pick out baby shower favors? Uh huh!
First thing I needed to do was take up a collection from the staff. Yeah right, this would be fun; going around asking folks for money. I thought I would have to put the squeeze on, not to mention my pitiful sales pitch. To my shock and surprise, the staff forked over their hard earned cash like the Saturday night mega lottery. I collected enough to give her a beautiful surprise baby shower. I knew the theme of her nursery – Winnie the Pooh – this was the theme of the shower.
On the day of the shower, I asked the head hoo-ha if I could use his BIG office for the shower. Since he forked over the most money, he was pleased to oblige. I turned his BIG macho office into Pooh land. I even sprinkled colored candies all over the tables – folks loved that little touch. The favors were candies in cellophane Pooh wrap - which was easy because this group loved sweets!
I had to get all the folks to Pooh land and school them on the yelling surprise drill. I went to bring Lisa to her surprise shower telling her that the big boss wanted to chat with her. I made up some swanky lie as to why I had to escort her, but she had no idea. I will never forget the look on her face when she walked into that office. Everyone yelled surprise and she spent the rest of the afternoon opening up Pooh gifts.
So, the moral of this little share is, if I can do it, anyone can. And I had one heck of a great time doing it; a do-it-yourself in the office baby shower. I still remember it all, seventeen years later. Good Lord, Lisa’s child is seventeen years old! I wonder if he still plays with his Pooh bear….
Doing Weddings...On Purpose
As February is the month of love and valentines, it’s also a lovely month for weddings. As purposeful gals, we can plan a wedding without having it stress us out. Interestingly, the weddings I have seen with the most stress, ended sooner. Why allow the day that should be one of the most special of days, be a day from hell? Refuse to go there! Instead, make your day a memorable day for everyone involved – starting with the wedding favors.
Now, I have attended lots of weddings. Don’t ask me how I got so lucky! But the most memorable weddings were the ones with really unique wedding favors. Not fancy or costly, but very clever, tasteful and thoughtful. You know, the ones you can tell that there was actually some thought put into them?
One such wedding, the couple themed each reception table with a special city they had been. The favor was a chocolate miniature figurine denoting that city with a little story attached of why it was memorable to them. Not only were the favors lovely, but I got to learn more about the couple. It was something straight from their hearts. I went around to the other tables to learn more. It was so much fun!
This wasn’t an expensive favor, but it was priceless. This particular couple now has two beautiful children and I still remember their wedding. Let your wedding be a memorable one; remembering the sentiments, not the stress.
Women - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly: Take Back Your Body Image
The promise of a "new sexy you" is the basis of the entire beauty and fashion industry. We are continually encouraged to "find our perfect palette" complete the "6-week body makeover," and change our hair color to "transform our life." The traditional makeover inevitably injects us with a serious dose of insecurity and inadequacy. Why must we feel prospectively bad about ourselves so that we can retrospectively feel better? Hmm. Something about the whole damn concept seems rather backward.
We are plucked, buffed, preened, and altered. But at the end of this elaborate, time-consuming, and often painful makeover experience, are we experiencing more sexual pleasure? We think not.
Our culture is obsessed with the female body. Today the bar for normality is set in the pages of InStyle, Vogue, and Elle. We should look just like celebrities and models. We need to be perfect. Free of cellulite. Free of wrinkles. Free of blemishes. Free of anything unsightly. Simply divine.
Let's get real!
This model of the female body is pure fantasy. Our bodies go through changes every day and every year as we grow as women. Some of these changes are related to our cycles, and others are unpredictable. We get PMS, we ovulate, we get pregnant, get fit, get sick, get tattoos, have surgery -- and our libidos are rolled up in all of these transformations. In fact, our reproductive capacity necessitates that our weight and bodily proportions naturally change from puberty to menopause, and for good reason. Ironically, most women spend their entire adult lives struggling against nature.
Pleasure Tip: Redefining what a sexy woman looks like is up to us. Let those women's magazines know how tired you are of the unrealistic images in their glossy pages. Sign an open letter to the editors of your favorite women's magazine, and cut the last strings of your bad-body-image dependencies.
* To prevent smudging, wipe off any excess mascara from the wand before use.
* Don't match your mascara colour with your eye colour.
* For full lashes that don't stick together, use an eye lash comb, or a damp toothbrush to comb through your eye lashes.
* To make mascara stay on your lashes for longer, brush some foundation powder over your lashes before applying mascara to them.
Eye Shadow
* Test the eye shadow on the back of your hand to see how it appears on your skin tone.
* When mixing eye shadows, mix them well to give a uniform colour.
* Apply foundation to your eye lids first to avoid the eye shadow creasing.
* When using loose powder, choose a colour that closely matches your own skin tone, or to create a warmer glow, pick a powder that has a slightly pinky hue.
* For a dash of glamour, try using a powder with reflective pigments, giving you a subtle shimmery glow, perfect for nights out!
* If you have an uneven skin colour, or imperfections, you may wish to use a concealer after you have applied basic foundation. Try to use this sparingly, and for extra precision use a makeup brush.
* If your foundation has become thick or is getting old, it can be rejuvenated by mixing it with moisturiser before application.
* During the summer months, skin tends to need less coverage and so you may wish to only apply foundation to specific areas rather than an all over base, to even out colour. For a lighter base, try using a tinted moisturiser instead.
* To keep your foundation flawless and skin looking soft and fresh, finish with a dusting of transluscent loose powder on your forehead, nose and chin, using a large soft brush.
* For an added healthy glow, lightly dust cheekbones with bronzer or blusher in a sweeping motion.
Nail Care
* Tap your nails on a hard surface every day. Tapping your nails has been shown to stimulate nail growth.
* Moisturize your nails and your cuticles to keep your nails looking young and healthy.
* Keep your nails clean with a good quality nail brush.
* Don't cut your nails too short, or let them grow too long. Cutting them too short can lead to nails receding, and leaving them too long will leave you prone to breaking your nails. Ideally nails should be filed to just beyond the end of your finger tips.
* Use a file to shape your nails, and a buffer to smooth away imperfections.
* Remove nail polish every 4 - 5 days to let your nails breathe. Applying too many coats of nail polish on top of each other can cause the nails to dehydrate.
Cuticle Care
* Apply moisturizer to your cuticles often, this will help stop them from lifting up and looking ragged.
* Apply cuticle removal cream to your cuticles at least every couple of days.
* Don't cut live cuticle skin. Only remove dead cuticle tissue. The removal of cuticles should be painless.
* Hang nails can be removed with cuticle scissors, cuticles should be pushed back with a cuticle pusher.
Are Your Planting Seeds of Peace?
“We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt, that peace and abundance may manifest for all.” ~ Dorothy Day
One of the analogies that really resonated with me when I first heard it was the Universe does not care which seeds you plant – it will give you the harvest of those seeds. So if you plant sweet corn or you plant poisonous nightshade, the soil does not care – you will reap exactly what you sow.
I call this the Law of the Harvest. What you put in is what you will get out. If I squeeze an orange, no matter which way I squeeze, I will get orange juice. And it does not matter who does the squeezing, orange juice will come out. What comes out if I put the squeeze on you? Anger? Resentment? Bitterness?
Just for today, watch your harvest; because what you plant today, you will get back tomorrow.
Women - Just Call Me Daisy
Women - Archiving of Breastfeeding Photos
Women - Using Sexual Energy in Our Daily Lives
When you are having sex, do you analyze what you are doing while in the middle of making love? I’m sure you have answered no! When children run around madly full of this vibrant pulsating energy (that we experience as sex) it spreads through their entire body and they express it as joy instead. Hence they have not begun to interpret and analyze it with their mind. The child doesn’t sit back and say, ‘I’m tired now, I want to have a rest’ during their play, as we do when sexual tension is released.
What we really have here is simply energy with only our own labels added on. As soon as a person comes into maturity this energy is polarized and sexual activity commences. It marks the beginning of the aging process simply because we separate ourselves from this wonderful joy - energy. When sexual energy spreads throughout your body, it gives you that orgasmic feeling. It energizes your body and prolongs enjoyment between yourself and your partner.
Sexual energy is an emotion that you can activate to get the full effect of energy. So are gratitude, love, appreciation, and acknowledgement emotions. If having sex can be compared to the lower notes upon the musical scale, then these other emotions like gratitude, love, appreciation, acknowledgement etc., would be the higher notes or chakras upon the scale. We all know how important these emotions are and how we crave to feel them. Imagine for a moment that if you cannot get these higher tender emotions communicated, it’s natural to go for the most commonly obtainable ones, the emotions you get from sex. (not sure what you’re trying to say here)
Recent research has shown that when the coccyx is stimulated in women who have never been able to orgasm, they easily begin to do so and enjoy a wonderful sexual sensation. We can now reclaim this energy by simply connecting to it using a simple exercise. But how do you maintain this sort of connection on a conscious level without actually having sex?
Exercise is one of the ways to energize your body using emotions. But what if you could have all these other sensations at any time instead of waiting for the only one you know you can get from sex?
To hook up to your joy at will using emotions as a way to open yourself to have more pleasurable all over sensations is like playing more than one note upon the scale which enhances your sexual experience as well.
One of these higher notes upon the emotional scale is gratitude. We forget to be grateful for many things in our life and instead focus on negative images. Another higher note is appreciation such as having an engaging hobby or enjoying the company of a special friend. Expressing to your partner what you value or treasure about them and sincerely communicating through your eyes along with taking the time to express your feelings will increase the whole sexual level between both of you because of how the other will receive your genuine expressions. This is what stimulates all the notes upon the scale and the whole sexual dynamic as you felt it long ago and is the key to this exercise.
This is the whole reason sex was so much more exciting at the beginning of our lives. We have just forgotten this priceless gift because we took it for granted way back then. The appreciation level is what ignites the body centers and is a feeling experienced at the heart centre (chakra), the main activator of energy. We are not consciously aware of this, therefore we lose it later on and the whole partner search has to happen all over again until we can learn how to do this on a conscious level.
Sharing feelings openly enables us to feel more deeply and experience a heart connection and loving relationship with others. Love is a cohesive force that acts as a rejuvenator for our whole system. It helps us maintain stronger health, gives longevity and greater joy, as well as makes relaxation, a sense of adventure and spontaneity more available in our daily lives. Connecting to your love energy consciously gives the body a re-charge, promotes deep inner healing and revives sexual pleasure warmth and connection with your partner.
It also enhances your creativity, enthusiasm and drive and has a positive effect on your self-esteem and confidence. It energizes your organs and gives you a greater sense of vitality all over
Hence when we act whole heartedly, it brings our whole life energy into greater focus enabling us to be more present to everything that happens in our life making the sexual experience better than ever before. It becomes a beginning to a whole new way of experiencing lovemaking and takes your energy to a whole new level as your personal wow factor!
THE ENERGY CONTROL TECHNIQUE acts like a switch that stimulates your enthusiasm by boosting your own sexual energy. It can be used in any area of your life. Health, career, relationships or even improve your golf.
It’s all about focus – whatever you focus your mind upon; you will draw that into your life…...
An insurance guy will get you to focus upon your worst fear, you buy into the fear game and he has sold you the insurance.
If you fear spiders let’s say, you will inadvertently focus on them.
By focusing on what you want or don’t want you draw that very thing to you in some ‘magical’ way, whether it’s positive or negative.
When ordering from the menu in a restaurant, you tell the waiter what you want and you expect to get what you have ordered. You don’t sit there wondering if he will bring you what you don’t want, do you?
I usually demonstrate in a seminar how to use our internal switch that stimulates our erroneous zones – similar to foreplay. It involves 4 simple steps. This is one of the steps you could try for yourself:
For ladies try massaging your nipples try not to go into the whole sexual fantasy, remember you are doing this for a different reason here. The reason is to feel how your body is going to feel with this nice feeling that you are causing to cascade throughout you own body. You can do this under a shower for a bit or upon waking in the morning.
For guys start the self pleasuring process, and allow yourself to feel how nice it feels, but with the object here to keep the energy flowing, not to ejaculate. Remember you are not masturbating.
When you succeed in recognizing that you are indeed feeling very different from when you first started, try holding onto this energy and taking this into your day. To learn how to do this successfully, come to the seminar where you will learn how to perfect this technique so it becomes a mood enhancer.
By acknowledging the divinity in one another we evoke that presence in ourselves and the other. This is the heart of all relationships - at a deeper level where lovers are equal opposites of each another.
Tatiana ~ Tat O’Per
Imagine Faith Instead of Fear
"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein
Napoleon Hills said, “Fear is faith in reverse gear. Fear is a negative belief in something, and belief is the very foundation of faith. Faith is a positive mental attitude in action. Your mental attitude is the sum total of your thoughts at any given time.”
When we were children, we had no problem activating our wonderful gift of imagination. We could imagine anything. I remember when my family would purchase a large household item, like a new television or a washing machine. I was enthralled with the big box that it came in. That box became my fort, my playhouse, my spaceship, my doll house, you name it. And I had no shortage of ideas for what to use that box for. Unfortunately, we were talked out of using that magnificent gift. We had to grow up, be realistic, and get our heads out of the clouds.
But I have some amazing news for you. You still have that gift – yes, it is still a part of you, and you have the ability to activate it anytime you choose. And you want to know something else? You do activate it, quite frequently. The difference is instead of imagining what you do want, you imagine what you do not want, and thus creating a reality that mirrors your imagination. Instead of focusing on your dreams and intentions, you give excessive amounts of attention to your fears and worries. And guess what shows up in your life? You bet! More of your fears and worries.
Just for today, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK:
“What am I giving most of my attention to right now?” Especially if you are not feeling well emotionally.
Remember, your thoughts precede your feelings; so if you are not feeling okay, then check in with what you are thinking about. You have the ability to choose a different thought; one that is more pleasant; thus making you feel better. Be proactive with your thoughts and your imagination. Use them to create the life you desire.
Here’s to dreaming in color!
Coach Carolyn
Women - Send Jack A Fiver
To accomplish something, one should overcome fear. Hence, the need for a plan of action. Here are some suggested steps which one may follow to overcome fear: First, acknowledge that you have a certain fear. Do not deny it. Second, determine its nature and type. Figure out if it is real or imagined and if it is something that is serious or not. If needed, ask another person's objective view about it. Then, define it: Is it fear of rejection, of success, of failure, of not being good enough, of not having enough, of not being loved, of not being worthy, of heights, of water, or of something else? Third, identify its cause/s. Is it your low self-esteem, your upbringing or culture, an external pressure, a bad experience, etc.?
Fourth, do any or a combination of the following techniques (depending on the nature, type, and causes of your fear as well as your personality, access to some needed resources or services, financial and other conditions):
Visualization, Meditation, or Controlling your mind/imagination. Concentrate on the target results and "experience the feeling of already having/doing them".
Creating a "vision board" and placing it somewhere where you can see it always. Stick/draw on it some pictures or symbols of the things that you desire to happen if you don't have fear anymore.
Writing a journal. Divide each entry/page into two. On the left column, jot down your fear & everything related to it (e.g. symptoms, effects, etc.). On the right side, write down the opposite of that fear & all the things you experience with it (e.g., the feeling you have, the impact it has on your routine, etc.). Then, "mentally delete" the entry on the left side and concentrate on the things you wrote on the right column. Celebrate the joy, peace, etc. of experiencing them.
Doing a physical activity. Exercise at the gym, walk for 30 minutes or so, do some gardening or any household chore, play tennis, etc.
Taking deep breaths, relaxing in a comfortable place, temporarily getting out of the situation ("taking a time-out from the situation that creates or brings out the fear), & doing something else which is constructive (e.g. cooking, buying groceries, playing chess, solving crossword puzzles, etc.).
Reading self-help articles/books, watching inspiring shows/movies, attending seminars, visiting web sites which are addressing your needs, or talking about your fear with someone/people you trust and who could help you.
Asking for a professional help from a life coach, therapist, etc.
Designing an action plan and following it seriously until the desired result is achieved.
Following the mentioned steps and applying any one of the cited techniques should be leading towards overcoming one's fear. For better results, however, it would be wise if he or she would choose a technique which he or she enjoys doing, make sure that it is practical --- something that he or she is capable of doing at a reasonable time --- given his or her existing condition, apply any technique or a combination of techniques as needed, and consult an authority, when in doubt regarding the technique to be used or the step to do and when fear becomes "life-threatening" or hazardous.
What kids have to say
The most common causes of mental stress for kids are the following: grades, school, homework, family, friends, peers, gossip, and teasing. Coping with them varies greatly, depending on the child's personality. Majority of kids let off steam by playing or doing fun activities. Others, however, find it better to talk it out with someone they can trust like a friend or parent. And then again, there are those who vent their emotions or divert their attentions by eating, watching TV, or just listening to music.
Although having kids react violently to mental stress is the farthest thought from most parents' minds, survey has shown that 25% of children have confessed to hurting themselves (hitting, biting, banging their heads on walls, etc.) when confronted by anger or frustration. Such reactions are common among children who are easily overwhelmed by their emotions. At times, they may even blame themselves for whatever part they played in the cause of their problem, making themselves feel bitter, ashamed, and angry at themselves. This explains why they resort to hurting themselves as a means of releasing their stress while blaming themselves at the same time.
Even if talking to their parents is among the least common methods of how kids deal with their mental stress, 75% of children have confessed that they still want their parents to be by their side whenever they are troubled. Accordingly, they find it comforting when their parents do any of the following: talk to them, spend time with them, help resolve their problems, or just try to cheer them up.
Making your presence felt
When your child is dealing with mental stress concerning emotions like frustration or disappointment, there are times when all he needs is just a sounding board—someone who would hear him out without being judged. Play it by ear and assess how to best help him with his situation. Focusing too much or fussing over his problems could only complicate matters for both of you.
Not all kids deal with their emotions in the same way. Some kids are not inclined to talking when they are bothered, whereas others tend to be more expressive. Regardless of how your kid's personality figure out in such circumstances, the most important thing is to make your presence felt by staying by his side as he goes through the motions of his feelings.
Words are not always necessary. Spending time with him by doing activities like walking in the park or making something creative or doing enjoyable activities together are enough to give him that sense of security and assurance of being cared for, understood, and loved.
Hard as it is for you to see him bothered or hurt, resist the urge to fix up his problem for him. To help him develop into an emotionally resilient person by becoming a good problem-solver, you have to let him work out his feelings on his own. And as his parent, the best way you can help him is by letting him know that you will always be his pillar of strength, ever ready to give him the support he needs during troubled times.
Women - What's Missing... ?
Good report. Well researched.
Question: What's missing?
Eurosurveillance, Volume 13, Issue 39, 25 September 2008
Rapid communications
Nationwide outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Give infections in infants in France, linked to infant milk formula, September 2008
On Thursday 18 September 2008, the hospital of Nantes in west France informed the District Health Office of a case of salmonellosis in an exclusively bottle-fed infant. On Monday morning 22 September, two additional cases of salmonellosis in infants were reported by the hospital of Niort in southwest France. The serotype of the three cases was unknown at that time.
At the same time, the database of the French national reference centre (NRC) for Salmonella showed a recent increase in the proportion of Salmonella enterica serotype Give isolates from infants. The overall number of S. Give isolates received by the NRC in 2008 was 19, similar compared to the same period in previous years. However, six of the recent isolates had been obtained from infants, whereas this proportion was zero in previous years.
Epidemiological investigationsAn investigation was started to identify any common exposures between the three reported cases of infant salmonellosis, and to identify the serotype(s) involved. In addition, we investigated the cases of S. Give in infants identified by the NRC.
The parents of the three reported infant salmonella cases were interviewed by the district health office on their consumption of foods and drink and other exposures.
The infants, aged 9 weeks, and 4 and 5 months respectively, had developed symptoms of febrile diarrhoea between 13 and 18 September and had been hospitalised between 17 and 19 September. The infants had not been in contact with other diarrhoea cases, and had no common exposures except for their infant formula milk. All three drank the same brand (brand X) formula milk. The batch number of the product consumed during the days before the onset of symptoms was known for two cases. The serotype of one of the three isolates was known on 25 September and confirmed as Give.
As of 25 September, five of the six infant cases of S. Give in the NRC database have been investigated. The infants are between 1.5 and 4.5 months of age and live scattered throughout France. They developed symptoms between 17 and 28 September: all had diarrhoea, which was bloody for four infants, four had fever, and two were hospitalised. The parents of all five infants reported feeding their infants the same brand X of infant powdered formula milk in the week before onset of symptoms. The batch number is known for one case and it is the same batch as in the two cases mentioned above. No other common exposures were identified.
The preliminary results of the investigation strongly suggest the brand X formula milk as the vehicle of transmission. On 22 September, the authorities and the producer decided to recall the incriminated batch. On 23 September, the producer initiated the recall of this batch. On 24 September, the recall was extended to all batches since consumers had difficulties identifying the batch number. Consumers have been advised not to drink the product and to return it to the place of sale.
Investigations are ongoing, particularly microbiological examination of the product and investigations of additional infant salmonellosis cases. Since the recall, five additional cases of infant salmonellosis have been reported. All five infants had consumed the incriminated product before illness. The isolates of these cases are currently being serotyped
Answer: The name of the formula brand and company, and the batch numbers.
In fact, they refer in the report to brand X. Remember, this is a current outbreak. They are recalling this product now, today.
The brand in question is Novalac's AR Digest, as reported by Reuters.
You will find no mention of the outbreak, or the batch numbers, on the Novalac website.
Even the mention of the 'traces' of salmonella in the news reports, have been flagged as misleading by medical sites, who have pointed out how serious this infection is for young babies.
Know what else is missing? Have you seen any news reports about this?
Thought not.
Babies poisoned by people making money out of cutting formula with lethal substances - equals news. Babies being poisoned by the innate bacterial contamination of the formula making process - does not equal news.
Wonder why the report doesn't name the company? Nowt to do with profits and public perception, I suppose. Nowt to do with being afraid of company backlash, or with not wanting mothers to understand the risks.
Can't be. For as we all know in the reporting of the Chinese contamination stories... we abhor putting profits before baby's health, don't we?
Makes you sick.
DOING Procrastination?
"Once you believe that answers and resources can show up in your life, they will: The universe works to mirror your beliefs. It will prove you right every time." ~ Peggy McColl
Having an issue with procrastination? First, STOP, TAKE A BREATH, and ASK:
“Is this something I want to do or that I should do?”
“Is this something that is related to my passion? If not, why do I need to do it?”
When you are following your passion and your purpose, life opens up to you; you don’t have to work hard. You work hard when you are out of alignment with who you are meant to BE. And when you are being who you were created to be, the DO will show up and guide you effortlessly.
Two Rules for the Day:
1. Stop “shoulding” all over yourself.
2. Stay out of the “how” because how is none of your business.
Women - The Importance Of Drinking Plenty Of Water During Pregnancy
You probably already have heard that you need plenty of water when pregnant. However, even though they know it, most women still don't get enough water. Some just don't like drinking it, while others argue that they don't get thirsty enough. And some women actually try drinking other "water-based beverages, not knowing that they actually cause further dehydration.
Here are some important facts every pregnant woman should know. First, a pregnant woman needs between eight and twelve 8-ounce glasses of water a day. She should drink even more if the weather is hot or if she's been exercising.
Also, don't always use thirst as an indicator of whether or not you're drinking enough water. Everybody doesn't always feel thirsty when they need some more water. In fact, a lot of times, we don't experience thirst until dehydration has already begun. It's better to dehydrate ahead of time.
Remember not to try to substitute sodas or other caffeinated beverages for water. These will actually cause your body to dehydrate faster. Therefore, they do not and should not be counted as part of your daily fluid intake. The less you drink of these while pregnant, the better. At most, drink them only a couple times a day.
Increasing your water consumption will actually help with your feelings of tiredness. So the next time you feel a bout of fatigue coming on, try drinking more water. You'll probably feel a remarkable improvement.
Here are some suggestions for getting enough water. First, fill a pitcher with the amount of water (or other healthy beverage) you want to drink the next day. Then throughout the day, keep that pitcher with you, so that you're constantly reminded to drink up. You might even consider setting an alarm to remind you to drink a glass and maybe even do a few stretches.
Also, if you just drink something other than water, make it a healthy drink that has no caffeine and very little sugar. A good choice for pregnant women is something called Glow Mama. This is a natural juice-based drink that also has fiber, calcium, folic acid, iron, and several helpful vitamins. Glow Mama is also has fiber and is good for you, since it's made from real kiwi juice. Plus it only has 70 calories a bottle.
There are other healthier drinks available too. Just remember that much of your hydration should always come from plain ol' water.
Women - Tips for Adding a Bit of Luxury to Any Bathroom
Colorful Candles
Colorful candles are a great luxurious addition to your bathroom. You can pick out colors that match your bathroom and find some of your favorite scents. They will no doubt make the entire bathroom smell great. However, you can also use them when you're taking a bath. Simply light them up and enjoy the beautiful scent and the romantic glow while you are enjoying a nice, warm bath in the evenings.
Add Some Music
Music while you're in the tub is a great idea, and it is easy to do this if you add a CD player or a radio to your bathroom. This way you can listen to your favorite CD or to the radio while you are enjoying a soothing bath. You can purchase a free standing CD player or radio, or you may even want to have one custom installed so you can have a wonderful music experience while you are having a good time in your bath.
Plush Towels
Of course for a touch of luxury, the right towels are a must as well. Go with some high quality towels that are thick and plush so you can wrap up in them when you get out of the bathtub. They are great to use, and they add a decorative element to the bathroom as well.
Towel Warmers
A towel warmer is an excellent addition to any bathroom and when you're remodeling you may want to have one added. They are usually quite inexpensive and they warm up your towels for you for a truly luxurious experience. When you get out of the shower, you'll then have a towel that is nice a warm for you to enjoy.
Whirlpool Tubs
Many people love the idea of soaking in a whirlpool tub, and this is a great way that you can add some luxury to your bathroom. No doubt you'll enjoy relaxing in the bath tub with the whirlpool jets gently massaging your entire body. This is definitely the ultimate way for you to relax and enjoy yourself in the tub.
Life can be hectic and stressful, and your bathroom may be a great place to unwind and get rid of the stress of the day. So, consider these ideas to make your bathroom a place of luxury and relaxation. No doubt you'll enjoy these luxurious amenities each and every day.
Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering.
Four thousand bereaved mothers.
Double click on the video image, to get to the YouTube site.
Many celebrities, high profile people, activists and others worldwide have already given their name, photograph or video. Those photographed or videoed have chosen the way they would like to sign their name, Mel B chose to sign on a baby bottle. This is in no way intended to promote bottle feeding or formula milk, many mothers use bottles fo feed their babies after a period of breast feeding. This is the case with Mel.
Oxfam believes that breast feeding is the best nourishment for babies in their early months of life. Not only is it nourishing, nutritionally balanced, safe and free, but it also contains protective elements which help infants fight illnesses. Such qualities are not available in any so called substitute. Breast feeding should be continued with the introduction of solid food as the baby is growing.