8:09 AM

Easy Tips for a Clean Workbench

Posted by Doncrack |

(ARA) – Clutter is not a welcome part of any home, and one of the hardest areas to keep organized is the home workbench. With an array of tools, supplies and other necessary household items, it can easily become one of the messiest areas in the house. But don’t dismiss this area as one that can’t be tidy. Simple organizational steps can create a workspace that is useful and clean.

“Organizing a workbench seems like a difficult task because there are so many items in a limited space,” comments Steve Sholem, an expert in household organization and CEO at StuckOnTools. “The best thing to do is to find an organizational system that can be customized for your needs, yet look professional at the same time.”

When organizing your workbench, here are some ideas to consider:

Use the Walls and Replace Pegboard

Toolboxes are disorganized and can fill up very fast. Extra tools clutter the floor and bench and occupy dirty cardboard boxes or old coffee cans. This not only creates a very messy area, but makes it difficult to access tools when you really need them. When organizing tools, consider looking to your walls for extra space.

Get tools out of their boxes and on the walls, freeing up space and creating a system where you can easily see and find them. Pegboards and lattice are the traditional options, but they have many negatives. Because you need space for the hooks, you cannot simply mount them flat against the wall, making installation difficult. The precut holes and holders can tear out and they hold a limited number of tools. Finally, they get filled with dust and cobwebs that make the workbench dirty.

“Pegboards are not an attractive option and do not function best for organizing tools,” says Sholem. “For all the money that homeowners invest in tools, they need a better storage system that utilizes space and protects the tools.”

Consider using a colorful magnetic tool board made by StuckOnTools. These 20-gauge steel boards use high intensity rare earth magnets to hold tools securely in place. The boards are easy to install and include a mounting kit. “Installation is like putting a picture on the wall, you could do it in about eight minutes,” says Sholem.

The magnetic boards are totally customizable with a variety of round magnet hooks for different tool weights and can be easily moved around the board. The boards support up to four times the weight that pegboard can. So even saws, pipe wrenches, hammers and other items like electric drills that normally couldn’t be hung up, can now be easily attached to your wall. Smaller items, such as plastic boxes of screws, nuts and nails can be attached to the StuckOnTools board with material similar to Velcro. Ratchet heads securely stay on a movable magnetic bar.

Utilize Shelving Space

For vacuums, paint containers, boxes and other large items, it might be necessary to install a shelving unit. A pile of items on the floor looks messy and is difficult to keep organized. With the vast shelving options available, finding one that is right for you should be easy.

Look for shelving that is customizable to your needs and is durable enough to handle the weight of your larger items. Metal shelving is often used in workbench areas because it is durable and easy to clean.

Stick With the System

Once you are organized and have your workbench system in place, use it! Accessing tools will be easier than ever, but make sure you keep your system clutter-free by replacing your tools when you are done. Household projects will take less time if you can find them quickly.

By having everything close at hand and organized, clean up will be quicker and less painful. Discard waste that tends to build up and replace items used.


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