1:38 AM

About Moms - Prenatal and Maternity Leave

Posted by Doncrack |

The baby's bones continue to increase in length and width. This thing doesn't have to be done in the account of your skeleton and teeth. You should have milk and cheese daily, in order to ensure the necessary calcium level for your child, so do not neglect:
- your weight: continue to measure it regularly
- the urine checkup

You are only a few weeks away from your birth term. You will soon start your maternity leave.

The maternity leave is not a luxury. You feel a lot heavier because of your increased uterus, very tired because of the blood circulation and breathe, due to the fact that your organs are more crowded then usually. Take advantage of this leave to rest a lot and continue to prepare yourself financially and mentally for your baby's birth.

Myer expects high use of the parental leave provision, with female employees accounting for 81 per cent of its work force (file photo).
picture source: abc.net.au

Soon, you will have to say goodbye to your work colleagues, because you will not see them for quite a while. When they will see you again in a couple of months, you will be a different person, hard to recognize: from a very tired, fat-looking person, you will become a young mother, happy and feeling in shape.

During the maternity leave:
  • you should rest as much as possible; try to avoid any activity that can lead to a premature birth; if nature decided that the gestation period is 9 months long, it means that 9 months are enough for the baby's organs to become completely mature;
  • continue with the relaxation and breath exercises, prepare the baby's room; it is better for him to sleep in a different room than yours; a baby should have his own room; if you are concerned at the thought that maybe you will not hear him, you may place his bed closer to your room, and leave the door open.
  • think in advance about the baby's place to sleep and eat; his coming into your home is not an easy thing to happen, so it is best to organize in advance as efficiently as you can
  • organize the life of your other children during the period that you will spend in the hospital
  • think about how you can be helped in the days that follow after coming home from the maternity; if you do not have a mother or other relatives who can help, you should look for other solutions, because immediately after coming home you will have to rest and continue with the gymnastics and exercise; for this you will need to have somebody to help you taking care of your baby from time to time.

The image “http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1250/1219702277_d2af944902.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
picture source: flickr.com

In Chapter Five of A New Earth, we explore how negative emotions and old memories – if not faced and seen for what they are in the moment – become fuel for the pain-body.

"It may be shocking when you realize for the first time that there is something within you (the pain-body) that periodically seeks emotional negativity, seeks unhappiness. You need even more awareness to see it in yourself than to recognize it in another person" (p. 145).

One of the things I have tried very hard to eliminate from my life is negativity. Negativity is nothing but toxic energy. This toxic energy can come in the form of toxic people, or energy vampires whose only job is to suck and drain the life out of you; or toxic situations. When I find myself in one of these toxic environments, be it with people or circumstances, if I cannot turn the situation around, then I merely excuse myself and remove myself.

If someone offered you a bottle of poison to drink, would you? Yet, you deliberately ingest someone else’s negativity or toxicity. This is the same as ingesting poison. The next time you are in the presence of a toxic person or an energy vampire, remember the bottle of poison analogy, and don’t allow their toxins to enter into your soul.

A negative emotion is any "emotion that is toxic to the body and interferes with its balance and harmonious functioning. Fear, anxiety, anger, bearing a grudge, sadness, hatred or intense dislike, jealousy, envy—all disrupt the energy flow through the body, affect the heart, the immune system, digestion, production of hormones, and so on" (p. 136).

Then, there are those of us who do not need the negative people or situations, because we can be negative all by ourselves. We manufacture our own negative thoughts and continuously feed on them. The bottle of poison is still appropriate here, yet we are self-inflicting the poison. We have very little control of what thoughts enter our heads. But we have definite control of what thoughts remain there.

The next time you notice that you are in the grip of a negative emotion, become still and pay attention to the way your body feels. See if you can locate the negative emotion in your body. Perhaps your heart is beating fast, your jaw is tense or your belly is tight. By being present with your body, you can allow the negative emotion to dissipate instead of reacting to it.

"You will be free to let go of your unhappiness the moment you recognize it as unintelligent. Negativity is not intelligent" (p.112).

This week, pay close attention to negative thoughts, feelings or actions and any background unhappiness, including resentment, discontent, nervousness or being "fed up." Become alert to your negativity and repeat silently: "At this moment, I am creating suffering for myself."

Questions to Ponder:
“Who are the toxic people in my life?”
“Who are the nutritious people in my life?”
“Who do I choose to spend more time with?”

Stay positive on purpose!

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